Parents, crèches and those with an interest in childcare services across Roscommon-Galway are being invited to take part in an independent review of childcare costs, according to Minister Denis Naughten TD.
The Review of the Costs of Providing Quality Childcare is being conducted by independent experts following a commitment as part of the negotiations on the formation of the Government. It is hoped the review will help to inform a new approach to childcare and it is important that the experiences of local families and providers form part of this review.
Minister Naughten added: “Building accessible affordable quality childcare is hugely ambitious but it is a goal worth fighting for. Investment in childcare is at the highest level ever with families already benefiting from the extra supports which started in September.
“However more is needed. When I attended a meeting with childcare providers and staff in Four-Mile-House recently they raised the issue of low staff wages and the resulting staff turnover which is disrupting for children and undermines consistency.
“It is important that our approach is evidence based. We must listen to the voices of local families as well as those who deliver the services in our communities.”
This process will allow the voices and experiences of families and childcare providers in Roscommon-Galway to be heard. This will help inform the next steps to be taken by identifying priorities that the Government must address.
Submissions can be made by email to or by post to
Vanya Sargent, Crowe Horwath, Marine House, Clanwilliam Place, Dublin 2. The deadline is 20th November 2017.
“The findings from the review will help form budget decisions next year as we continue our work to turn one of the most expensive childcare systems in the world into the best,” concluded Minister Naughten.