Broadband Update across Roscommon & Galway

In Blog, Business & Jobs, East Galway, East-Roscommon, Environment, Families, Infrastructure, Jobs, Local Issues, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon, Young People by Denis Naughten

Many people have been in contact with me seeking timelines for the build out of the local fibre network.

Earlier, today I received an update from the Department of Communications broadband team on the build out of the fibre network across Roscommon and Galway.

You can view the details provided to me here: Roscommon Galway Broadband Progress Update Nov. 21

Initial local build-out started in the rural areas around Ballinasloe, work is now nearing completion around Roscommon Town with work in Athlone, other parts of South Roscommon and Carrick-on-Shannon taking place over the coming 12 months, with the Castlerea area having access to the network by mid-2023. Even though these will be some of the first areas in the country to get this new pure fibre broadband service, the delivery has been delayed over the last year, despite Government commitments to fast track the project.

The delays in the build out are directly impacting on the delivery dates for Athlone and Carrick on Shannon which were originally planned for completion by the end of 2021. This is at least in part due to the failure by the Government to actively supervise the build out of this project.

But Government has at least acknowledged its failure in this regard and a taskforce that I set up as Minister in 2016 to help with the delivery of rural broadband, which was shut down when the broadband contract was signed, it now to be re-established by the Government.

The further phases of the build-out will include Elphin, Rooskey, Curraghboy, Cloonfad in West Roscommon and Newbridge, Co. Galway, to complete the coverage of County Roscommon and East Galway, and it is now imperative that Government addresses the delays and ensure that these communities get access to broadband as quickly as possible

Further information on the National Broadband Plan can be found at and you can register for updates using your eircode.