Below is a copy of a reply that I received from Minister Foley in the Dáil yesterday and a reply on foot of the Ministers reply, from the State Examinations Commission.
In the Dáil yesterday, An Taoiseach stated that discussions were ongoing and that he was as anxious as anybody to bring clarity to the issue for students.
I thought that it was interesting that he made the following comment:
“We do not want to compound the situation for students either. With the qualifications framework, there are pathways for students, from further education and apprenticeships right through to third level education. There is a danger with three years in a row, in that by not perhaps having the same capacity as we have managed to extract from third level in the previous two years, we could create other issues that may cause stress and anxiety students. All that has to go into the mix in terms of assessment. It is fair to point out that these are real issues facing students”
This issue will be debated on the floor of Dáil Éireann next Tuesday evening and I will be contributing to that debate.
I will be again calling for clarity from the Government and looking for a hybrid model to be available that addresses the weaknesses of last years system but also ensures that the Leaving Certificate Class of 2022 are treated fairly, and that the challenges that they face as a result of the serious disruption caused by Covid-19 are reflected in this hybrid model.
If there are any points that you would like me to consider including during my 5 minute contribution email me at
For Written Answer on : 19/01/2022
Question Number(s): 762 Question Reference(s): 1123/22
Department: Education
Asked by: Denis Naughten T.D.
To ask the Minister for Education if she will allow for the option of accredited grades for the leaving certificate 2022; and if she will make a statement on the matter.
The State Examinations Commission has statutory responsibility for operational matters relating to the certificate examinations.
In view of this I have forwarded your query to the State Examinations Commission for direct reply to you.
State Examination Commission reply to PQ1123_22