Naughten welcomes plan to recruit Parkinson’s nurse

In Health, News by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten TD has welcomed confirmation from the HSE that plans to recruit a Parkinson’s Advanced Nurse Practitioner for Galway University Hospital are now at an advanced stage.

Deputy Naughten was informed this week that the job specification for the full-time post is now being finalised.

The Parkinson’s Advanced Nurse Practitioner post helps patients to manage their illness through making changes to their prescription and monitoring their condition, improving their quality of life and reducing the need to travel for hospital appointments. This post is presently vacant in Galway, a post which supported patients right across the West of Ireland.

This position is also a vital link to provide patients with information and support to patients and their families.

“I welcome this news and hope that recruitment for this position will now proceed without delay,” stated Denis Naughten.