Jobs plan can create and protect employment

In Blog by Denis Naughten

With 1000 people a week predicted to emigrate this year alone Ireland urgently needs to create jobs and growth. We saw a total absence of any job creation plan from the previous Government which resulted in an entire generation of long-term unemployed. We urgently need a targeted solution. Fine Gael’s NewERA plan will see an additional €7 billion invested over …

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland

In Blog by Denis Naughten

I had a very interesting meeting recently with Steve Orme of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland. Steve pointed out that 10,000 people/year present to A&E with a brain injury. This ranges from concussion, to road traffic accidents, to strokes. It may even be as simple as falling in the shower. Acquired Brain Injury Ireland provides a range of specialised services throughout …

Emigration stories on doorstep highlight urgent need for jobs plan

In Blog by Denis Naughten

The ESRI’s latest emigration predictions that 1000 people a week are set to leave Ireland this year alone is turning into a stark reality on the doorsteps in Roscommon/South Leitrim. Every day I meet mothers who are grieving for their sons and daughters who have left Ireland for a job or who have already booked their flight. Local communities and …