General Election 2011

In News by Denis Naughten

Working consistently for the retention & development of health services locally Click here for my priorities

General Election 2011

In News by Denis Naughten

  Focusing on our strengths: supporting & creating jobs in: • Agri-food • Tourism • Small businesses Click here for my priorities

Emigration stories on doorstep highlight urgent need for jobs plan

In Blog by Denis Naughten

The ESRI’s latest emigration predictions that 1000 people a week are set to leave Ireland this year alone is turning into a stark reality on the doorsteps in Roscommon/South Leitrim. Every day I meet mothers who are grieving for their sons and daughters who have left Ireland for a job or who have already booked their flight. Local communities and …

Election Launch

In News by Denis Naughten

This Friday night, 28th January The Bridge House, Athleague, at 9 p.m. Guest: Michael Ring TD. There will also be music on the night and everyone is welcome to attend. Please feel free to bring along friends & family.

Jobs plan urgently needed as local communities face scourge of emigration – Naughten

In Business & Jobs by Denis Naughten

The ESRI’s latest emigration predictions that 1000 people a week are set to leave Ireland this year alone has to shock the Government onto action, claims Denis Naughten. “We must have a jobs plan and we need it now. Local communities and football teams now have to face the grim prospect of being decimated by the scourge of emigration,” stated Denis …

Climate Bill would see 85% cull of cattle locally – Naughten

In Agriculture by Denis Naughten

The implementation of the current climate change law would see a cull of 17 out of every 20 suckler cows with a drastic impact on the local economy, says Denis Naughten. Furthermore, it would have a devastating impact on local businesses and lead to a situation where even more young people will be forced to emigrate. “There is no doubt …