Time to End Means Testing for Family Carers!

In Blog, Disability, Families, Health, Local Issues, Older People, Posts by Topic by Denis Naughten

The Dáil Regional Group of TDs from across the Country are seeking cross-party support for their motion to end the means testing of family carers.

This motion aims to replace the current Carers Allowance system with a non-means tested scheme based solely on care needs, recognising the invaluable contribution of over 500,000 family carers across Ireland.

Family Carers, who represent 1 in 8 of the Irish population, have long been the cornerstone of care provision in the country. However, the financial vulnerability imposed by the current means testing of the Carer’s Allowance has left many carers in precarious financial situations.

As the Convenor of the Regional Group I believe that it is time for the State to recognise and support family carers adequately. We urge all Dáil Deputies to back the Motion that seeks to provide financial stability and recognition to family carers on April 24th.

The motion is set for debate on Wednesday the 24th of April which will be broadcast live on Oireachtas TV between 10am-12noon. The Regional Group and Family Carers Ireland call on all members of the Dáil to support this motion, recognising the invaluable contribution of family carers to Irish society and ensuring they receive the support and recognition they deserve.

Let’s stand together and support our family carers. #AbolishCarersMeansTest


Link to explanation of participation income and the link to the carers report produced by NUI Maynooth:  https://www.familycarers.ie/media/3113/towards-a-participation-income-for-family-carers.pdf

Link the motion: https://dailbusiness.oir.ie/motions/1364?lang=en

The Oireachtas Parliamentary Budget Office cost assessment of #AbolishCarersMeansTest

Carer’s tell their personal story on the impact of the Carer’s Allowance means test: