Plan to close Roscommon A&E unacceptable – Naughten

In East-Roscommon, Health, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

The disclosure of plans by the HSE to reduce the A&E at Roscommon County Hospital to an 8am to 8pm service is “totally unacceptable & will put local lives at risk” clams Denis Naughten This plan is to be adopted by the HSE, with the approval of Government, by the end of the year, and implemented from 1st July next. …

Naughten seeks community apology on foot of Child Care Report

In East-Roscommon, Health, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten has called on the Government to direct the HSE to issue an apology to those in the community who brought concerns over the care of the children at the centre of the Roscommon Child Care Case to the attention of the authorities. “The impression had been given at the time of the original court cases that the local …

Speech by Denis Naughten TD during Dáil Statements on Roscommon Child Care Inquiry Report

In East-Roscommon, Health, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

As a local TD I am deeply concerned by this case and appalled that the abuse could have continued for so long without appropriate action by the authorities. But this is first and foremost a tragedy, and our thoughts and prayers must be with the children who lost the opportunity to grow up in a loving home. We must ensure …

Roscommon Hospital can help deal with cancer test delays– Naughten

In East-Roscommon, Health, Local Issues, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten yesterday highlighted the potential which Roscommon Hospital has to deal with the current backlog of people waiting for colonoscopy tests for suspected bowel cancer. Speaking at a Dáil Committee yesterday Denis Naughten revealed that there has been a 52% increase in the number of people waiting more than 3 months for this vital cancer test, yet Roscommon County …