Naughten welcomes €40,000 to address flooding of homes in Four Roads

In Infrastructure, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Local TD, Denis Naughten has welcomed the allocation of €41,000 in funding to Roscommon County Council to address the threat of re-flooding of homes in the Four Roads area.

A sum of €25,000 will be spent on the refurbishment of two road bridges at Cloghnashade, Four Roads, as well as piping 115m of open drain and maintenance of the open drain

€16,200 is being allocated to replace culverts at Tibarney which will include cleaning out existing stone culverts including removal of stone debris.

In both cases, homes were, in the past flooded, and it is hoped that these works will address the ongoing problems for the families concerned.

The allocation of funding was based on a submission by Roscommon County Council, which included a number of schemes throughout the County, including works to address flooding problems in the vicinity of Four Roads village.

It is disappointing that, in light of the pervious flooding in the village of Four Roads, that these additional works were not approved by the Office of Public Works.

“I will be urging Roscommon County Council to make a further submission to Government for funding to carry out works at other locations, prone to flooding” concluded Denis Naughten.


Local Authority Project Location Project Details 2011 Funding Allocation


Roscommon County Council

Tibarney Replace culverts, clean out existing stone culvert including removal of stone debris €16,200


Cloghnashade, Four Roads Refurbishment of one road bridge 900mm diameter and one access road bridge 600mm, piping 115m of open drain and maintenance of open drain €25,000