Naughten welcomes delivery of industrial broadband to local schools

In East Galway, East-Roscommon, Education, Infrastructure, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten has welcomed the completion this week, of the roll out of industrial strength broadband to every secondary school in the West of Ireland. “As of today, the programme to roll out 100Mbps broadband to schools in the West, Midlands & Border Counties has been completed which will directly benefit every local secondary school pupil” claims Denis Naughten TD. …

Increasing Sports Grant could create 316 jobs in Galway – Naughten

In Business & Jobs, East Galway by Denis Naughten

Galway clubs plan to invest over €25m in facilities Denis Naughten TD has revealed that the Government could treble the sports grant allocation to County Galway, creating 316 jobs without costing the taxpayer one additional cent. 153 Galway clubs have submitted applications under the Sports Capital Grant Scheme, with plans to invest over €25m in sport & recreation facilities throughout …