One additional paramedic not good enough – Naughten

In Health, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

The disclosure by the HSE that only one additional advanced paramedic has been appointed to the ambulance service following the closure of the A&E department at Roscommon County Hospital has been described as totally unacceptable by Denis Naughten TD. “At the time of the closure of Roscommon County Hospital both the HSE and Department of Health gave clear commitments to …

Investment in Four Roads/Mount Talbot Water Supply Scheme welcomed

In Infrastructure, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Local TD, Denis Naughten has welcomed the planned investment by Roscommon County Council to upgrade the Four Roads/Mount Talbot Water Supply Scheme, to address ongoing problems with contamination. Commenting on the plans, Cllr. Dominic Connolly said “In the coming days, Roscommon County Council will sign a contract to improve the water supply from the Cloonlaughnan Spring, by installing ultraviolet and …

Government must provide clear timetable on Hospital investment– Naughten

In Health, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

25th July 2011 Local TD, Denis Naughten is calling on the Government to provide a clear timetable for their proposed investment at Roscommon County Hospital. Responding to questions from Deputy Naughten at the Dáil Health Committee last week, Minister James Reilly said “The future of Roscommon is a priority for me and this Government and I want it to be …

Contract signed for Knockcroghery Sewerage scheme after years of waiting

In Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Cllr Laurence Fallon  & Denis Naughten TD  photographed at Knockcroghery  where a new sewerage scheme has been given the green light Local TD Denis Naughten has welcomed the signing of contracts by Roscommon County Council for the construction of a new sewerage treatment plant for the village of Knockcroghery. Denis Naughten welcomed the signing of the contract and stated that …

Action needed to support & create jobs – Naughten

In Business & Jobs, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Local TD Denis Naughten has called for greater awareness to be made available of existing Government supports for local business which can protect existing jobs and help to create new ones. Address a small business forum at the Bank of Ireland in Roscommon Town today (Friday), Denis Naughten said that the State presently provides a range of supports to help …

Naughten welcomes approval of 6 Summer Work Schemes

In East-Roscommon, Families, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, West-Roscommon, Young People by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten has welcomed the approval of a further six applications for summer works in local schools, with a total of 14 schools now set to benefit throughout the county. The successful schools on this occasion were Cloonfad NS; Kilmore NS; St. Mary’s NS, Strokestown; Naoimh Eoin, Lecarrow; CBS Roscommon which have been sanctioned for roof works and Castlerea Community …

Significant boost for local jobs over last 7 days – Naughten

In Business & Jobs, East-Roscommon, Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon, West-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Close to 700 positions to be made available Job creation has been given a significant boost locally with three major announcements that impact on the region including County Roscommon, local TD Denis Naughten has stated. “Yesterday (Monday) we had the announcement of 100 jobs by local company Harmac in Castlerea, which has built on the success of Athlone Institute of …

Naughten welcomes approval for Scoil Mhuire Roscommon

In Education, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Local TD Denis Naughten has welcomed the decision by the Minister for Education to approve the construction of permanent classrooms for Scoil Mhuire Primary School in Roscommon Town rather than the purchase of a prefab. The building project – amounting to €250,000 in total – has been approved for the school to build three permanent mainstream classrooms and for the …

Public access to local forests to be retained – Naughten

In Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Local TD Denis Naughten has been informed by Minister Fergus O’Dowd that the existing access enjoyed by the public to Coillte owned forestry will be retained into the future. Denis Naughten raised the matter on the floor of the Dáil this week following concerns being raised that access to local forestry could be restricted in the future. In response, Minister …