Science at the Forefront of Policy: A Reflection on the decision by EU Innovation Ministers

In Blog, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

As someone who has advocated for the greater use of science in decision making, it was really positive to see the decision taken by Ministers across the EU last week at the Council of the European Union meeting with regard to the integration of research and innovation into the policymaking process. This decision, in my view, marks a significant stride …

The Role of a TD’s Science Charter in the Age of AI

In Blog, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

As we stand at the forefront of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution, the challenges of regulating such a transformative technology bring into sharp focus the broader need for an ethical framework in science and technology legislation. This is where the development of an ethical charter for Members of Parliament (MPs), currently being drafted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union Working Group on …

Artificial Intelligence & Assisted Driving – Research insights to steer our journey ahead

In Blog, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Oireachtas Seminar for Science Week 2023  #BelieveInScience This week, I was delighted to join Ruth Freeman, Director of Science for Society at Science Foundation Ireland, in introducing the virtual seminar ‘Artificial Intelligence & Assisted Driving – Research Insights to Steer Our Journey Ahead’. This event was organised by The Library & Research Service, in partnership with SFI. The theme for …

Ireland’s Entry into CERN has the Potential to Change the Culture of Research – Naughten.

In News, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

“Ireland’s forthcoming membership of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, will not only provide new opportunities for Irish researchers but also challenge the underlying ethos of research,” says Denis Naughten TD. Minister Simon Harris is set today to propose a government investment of €2 million annually into CERN’s research initiatives. Denis Naughten pointed out that “this funding predominantly supports …

Young Parliamentarians Conference Viet Nam

In Blog, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Today I’m addressing the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s annual Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi, Viet Nam. The theme of the Conference is “The role of youth in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs through digital transformation and innovation”.   I will be speaking on measures that can be taken by Members of Parliament to improve policies in the promotion of …

Long COVID has potential to place significant burden on our healthcare services

In Blog, Health, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

I asked my colleagues in the Oireachtas Library & Research Service to update a previous research paper that I received on long COVID to get an updated understanding of the definition, incidence, and healthcare issues surrounding long COVID. The sad reality is that the symptoms of long COVID can not only last for months but even years and can include …

Artificial Intelligence or AI seldom gets good press

In Blog, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Artificial Intelligence or AI seldom gets good press; take the examples of ChatGPT which has been banned in many Universities across the world due to the potential for student plagiarism or the controversy surrounding the Hollywood writers’ strike calling it a “plagiarism machine”. There has also been concerns about the potential of Deepfakes to misrepresent reality by manipulating media by …

Today is World Environment Day 2023

In Blog, Environment, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

How does plastic pollution affect us? An estimated 19 to 23 million tonnes of plastic leak into aquatic ecosystems annually. Plastic pollution has devastating effects on a wide array of organisms in our seas, rivers, and on land. Marine litter harms more than 800 species. More than 90 per cent of all birds and fish are believed to have plastic particles in their stomachs. The effects …

May is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis M.E. Awareness Month

In Blog, Health, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

M.E. has been described as “an often-debilitating disease” that has a prevalence close to one percent worldwide which would equate to around 52,000 people in Ireland or roughly the population of the county of Waterford (Bonilla, H. et al., 2023) With the number of people with M.E. / CFS on the rise following long-COVID, it is estimated that around 45% …

Dept of Health fails to establish vaccine damage compensation unit despite assurances– Naughten

In Health, News, Posts by Topic, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

The Department of Health has failed to establish a separate unit to deal with a vaccine damage compensation scheme, three years after the Minister received a report on the current system for managing claims and four years after the Health Research Board (HRB) carried out an evidence review on such schemes in other jurisdictions, Denis Naughten TD has revealed. Denis …