Jobs plan can create and protect employment

In Blog by Denis Naughten

With 1000 people a week predicted to emigrate this year alone Ireland urgently needs to create jobs and growth. We saw a total absence of any job creation plan from the previous Government which resulted in an entire generation of long-term unemployed. We urgently need a targeted solution. Fine Gael’s NewERA plan will see an additional €7 billion invested over …

Withdrawal of hospital services halted – Naughten

In Health, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Any plans by the HSE for the withdrawal of services from smaller hospitals have now been halted by Fine Gael, Denis Naughten confirmed this week. The decision has been made by Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly, who previously wrote to the HSE prior to the election requesting that it would “refrain from implementing any changes in respect of services …

Naughten urges voters to keep a “strong voice” in Roscommon-South Leitrim

In Local Issues, News by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten has urged voters to support him when they go to the polls this Friday to ensure they keep a “strong voice” in Roscommon-South Leitrim. “I believe I can offer a positive & constructive voice which is in these difficult times and that I have demonstrated I am not afraid to take the tough decisions that are needed,” stated …

Naughten corrects misleading statements on FG commitment to Roscommon Hospital

In Health, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten has clarified recent misleading statements that have been made regarding Fine Gael’s commitment to Roscommon Hospital and has reiterated that the commitment will secure the future of the hospital. “Over the last week several inaccurate and misleading statements have been made regarding Fine Gael’s commitment to the future of Roscommon Hospital,” stated Denis Naughten. “It is wholly inaccurate …

Naughten re-affirms commitment to Roscommon Hospital on RTE

In Health, Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Fine Gael’s commitment to both retain and develop services at Roscommon Hospital was reiterated by Denis Naughten during his appearance on RTE1’s ‘Campaign Daily’ today (Monday). During a discussion on Fine Gael’s ‘FairCare’ plan to reform the health services Denis Naughten confirmed that under the plan the future of Roscommon Hospital – and other similar small hospitals – would be …

Local public sector sets agenda to protect pay and services

In Business & Jobs by Denis Naughten

Fine Gael’s plans to modernise public services, which will protect the frontline, ensure public sector pay is not hit and support the taxpayer, can be driven from within the public sector, Denis Naughten has stated. “The expertise needed to modernise the public service already exists within the public service itself and nobody knows better how services need to improved than …

Naughten re-affirms commitment to Portiuncula Hospital

In Health, South Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten today (Monday) reiterated Fine Gael’s commitment on the future of small hospitals when interviewed on RTE1’s ‘Campaign Daily’. He confirmed that Fine Gael is committed to both retaining and developing services in small hospitals such as Portiuncula and Roscommon Hospitals “Under our proposals the future of services at Portiuncula Hospital will be determined locally. This will see a …

Turf cutting to continue under Fine Gael – Naughten

In News by Denis Naughten

Domestic turf cutting will be allowed to continue on 75 NHA bogs as a result of a Fine Gael commitment, Denis Naughten has confirmed this week. “Fine Gael will allow a roll over exemption for domestic turf cutting on these 75 bogs, subject to the introduction of an agreed environmentally rational code of practice,” explained Denis Naughten. “In addition, Fine …

Denis Naughten features in poll on farmers’ choice for Agriculture Minister

In Agriculture by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten is leading the way among both the current and former Fine Gael Spokespersons on Agriculture as the farmers’ choice as the next Minister for Agriculture. A poll conducted by The Irish Farmers Journal shows that farmers clearly favour Roscommon-South Leitrim’s Denis Naughten for the Agriculture Minister post ahead of all other previous holders of the position with the …

National wetlands park would alleviate Shannon flooding – Naughten

In Mid-Roscommon, North-Roscommon, South Roscommon by Denis Naughten

The establishment of a national wetlands park would alleviate flooding from the River Shannon and offer hope to communities in the catchment of the river basin, according to Fine Gael’s Denis Naughten. “It is now well over 12 months since communities along the Shannon suffered devastating flooding yet few people in the catchment area are confident that the same situation …