Acquired Brain Injury Ireland

In Blog by Denis Naughten

I had a very interesting meeting recently with Steve Orme of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland. Steve pointed out that 10,000 people/year present to A&E with a brain injury. This ranges from concussion, to road traffic accidents, to strokes. It may even be as simple as falling in the shower. Acquired Brain Injury Ireland provides a range of specialised services throughout …

Work on primary care centre nearing completion – Naughten

In Health, News by Denis Naughten

Confirmation that work on the new primary care centre in Roscommon town is almost complete has been welcomed by Denis Naughten. The HSE has confirmed to Denis Naughten that equipping of the offices in the new centre is underway at present and that the centre is at practical completion. In addition, it has been confirmed that the new primary care …

FG commitment on Roscommon Hospital

In Mid-Roscommon by Denis Naughten

Dear People of Roscommon, Further to the recent public meeting addresses by Frank Feighan TD and Denis Naughten TD, I wish to confirm that Fine Gael has a very different view of the role to be played by local hospitals, like Roscommon County Hospital, than the Government, which seems intent on downgrading them through the implementation of the Hanly Report. …

Modernisation of public sector can be led from within – Naughten

In News by Denis Naughten

The expertise needed to modernise the public service already exists within the public service itself and nobody knows better how services need to improved than the people who deliver the services at the front line on a daily basis, according to Denis Naughten. “Fine Gael believes that working together Government and the Public Service can transform the way Government services …

Full house as Athleague hosts Naughten campaign launch

In News by Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten’s election campaign was given a major boost on Friday night last when large crowds packed the Bridge House in Athleague for the launch of his campaign by Michael Ring TD. Denis Naughten thanked those who attended the launch “from the four corners of the constituency”. “We picked Athleague for this event because it sends out a message,” stated …

Denis Naughten’s campaign launch

In News by Denis Naughten

All the photographs were taken at Denis Naughten’s campaign launch in The Bridge House, Athleague, on Friday 28th January. [nggallery id=6]

Naughten calls for changes to PRSI rules for self employed

In Business & Jobs by Denis Naughten

The rules governing PRSI contributions by the self employed which prevent access to State support are causing financial hardship for some families and need to be reviewed, Denis Naughten has stated. “There are many self employed people who now find themselves without work and who are not covered by PRSI as a result of the rules governing contributions by the …

General Election 2011

In News by Denis Naughten

A positive & constructive voice in these difficult times, not afraid to take tough decisions Click here for my priorities

General Election 2011

In News by Denis Naughten

Working consistently for the retention & development of health services locally Click here for my priorities

General Election 2011

In News by Denis Naughten

  Focusing on our strengths: supporting & creating jobs in: • Agri-food • Tourism • Small businesses Click here for my priorities