Up to Health Minister to designate long Covid as occupational illness – Naughten

In Campaigns, Health, News, Posts by Topic, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

International Workers’ Memorial Day must be used to ensure income support provided to all frontline workers The decision to designate long Covid as an occupational illness lies with the Department of Health and Minister Donnelly, Denis Naughten TD has stated. “The Secretary General of the Department of Social Protection made it clear to the Oireachtas Committee that the decision on …

Long COVID rates have increased by 4% in four months

In Blog, Health, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Speech by Denis Naughten TD to the Policy Forum for Ireland keynote seminar: Tackling long COVID in Ireland – priorities for services, strategy development, and research   On 19th March 2020, I stood up in Dáil Éireann, pointing out that we would have to deal with the public health challenges associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus for at least 12 months. …

5 months on Health Dept still in talks on designating long COVID as occupational illness – Naughten

In Health, News, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Frontline health workers to be left without income support in coming weeks Officials from the Department of Social Protection have admitted they are still engaged in a “back & forth with colleagues in health, teasing out issues” with regard to the designation of long COVID as an occupational illness. This is despite the fact that frontline healthcare workers suffering with …

Second national poll on long COVID

In Blog, Health, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

The most recent survey of the incidents of long COVID in Ireland now shows that one in every ten adults in Ireland have experienced the symptoms of long COVID.   You can access the data behind this poll of adults in Ireland on self-reported symptoms of long COVID by leading polling company, Ireland Thinks, which I commissioned.   This self-declaration by survey …

New survey shows 10% of adults experienced symptoms of long COVID – Naughten

In Health, News, Posts by Topic, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Potential for burden on the health system due to lack of adequate patient supports for long COVID New data released today has found that 10% of adults have experienced symptoms of long COVID following an initial period of infection with the virus. The data is based on a survey carried out by leading polling company, Ireland Thinks, and was commissioned …

Water is the perfect “pathfinder project” to promote international co-operation between science & parliament – Naughten

In News, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

Intervention by Denis Naughten TD Chairperson of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Working Group on Science & Technology to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development’s, 26th session on “Ensuring safe water and sanitation for all: a solution by science, technology and innovation” Geneva, 28th March 2022 CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY   Firstly, my name is Denis Naughten, and I’m an Irish …

Parliament must use science to provide solutions to wicked problems

In Blog, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

This week I attended the 146th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly where I addressed the issue of practical problem solving. Here is what I said: Report of the IPU Working Group on Science and Technology to the Governing Council 146th IPU Assembly– Item 14 (j) of the 211th session of the Governing Council 15 March watch it here: https://youtu.be/nHgK22bYRhE Thank you, Mr. President. On …

Long COVID opinion poll supports findings of separate research and data on incidence

In Blog, Health, Posts by Topic, Science, Science by Denis Naughten

While normally I would take an opinion poll on the self-reporting incidence of an illness with a pinch of salt, my sheer frustration in trying to source data from the HSE on the incidence of long COVID, waiting lists, referrals etc led me to commission such a poll myself.   There is lack of acknowledgement and even scepticism of the …

Retrofitting homes would reduce demand on hospitals – Naughten

In Disability, Energy, Health, News, Posts by Topic, Science by Denis Naughten

Prioritising the retrofitting of homes for those with chronic medical conditions would reduce demand on health services and hospital beds, helping to ease pressure particularly during the winter months as we are currently witnessing in our emergency departments across the country, claims Denis Naughten TD.   New research by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, commissioned by the Government, …

Naughten heads up global group on science & technology

In News, Posts by Topic, Science by Denis Naughten

  Denis Naughten TD has been elected as Chairperson of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Working Group on Science & Technology. The group serves as the global parliamentary focal point for issues related to science and technology and is composed of 21 members of parliament from across the five continents who have specific relevant knowledge and experience. The role of the …